Board Elections
End of Summer Community Meeting was held on August 31 at the Ocean View Presbyterian Church. There were four candidates for the four Board seats up for election. Bob Wood received 102 votes; Kerry Hall 101 votes; Barbara Friedman 98 votes; Alan Lescht 93 votes.
At the subsequent Board Organizational Meeting, the following officers were elected: President: Dave Wiecking; Vice-President: Margie Cyr; Treasurer: Bob Wood; Secretary: Kate Mounteer.
The MBA Board meets monthly, usually at 9:30 AM on the third Saturday of the month. We usually meet in the meeting room of the Bethany West Community Center, 602 Poplar Court, Bethany Beach.)
The community may participate via ZOOM. Click HERE for further information.
For further information regarding MBA meetings or events, please contact the Board of Directors.
MBA Organizational Chart | MBA Terms and Conditions of Website Use
Covenants Amendment
After surveying the community, the Board determined that 60% of the Membership was in favor of a restriction on the sale of marijuana and marijuana-related products in our Commercial District. Covenants language was drafted, approved by our attorney, and subsequently approved by over 60% of our membership. The documents were filed in Georgetown, DE on Friday, August 30, 2024. The new language can be found in section 7.10 (k) of our Covenants.
2024 Happy Hours
This weekend Happy Hour will be on September 7, hosted by Mary Beth and Ed Hendrick at 4 Bayberry Road (A – L bring beverages; M – Z bring finger food/appetizers). The last one of the season will be October 5 (Bourbon tasting!) at the 32 E. Bayberry home of Tim and Patti Sheffey. Stay tuned!
Click for pictures from the May 4, 2024 Happy Hour held at the 4 Errett Road home of David Burgess and Kate Mounteer, the June 15, 2024 Happy Hour at the 26 Short home of Wendy and John Thiede, the July 20, 2024 Happy Hour held at the 3 Addy road home of CoryAnn and Kevin Clarke and the August 16, 2024 Happy Hour held at the 29 Dune Rd home of Michelle and Jeffrey Rivest.
bicycles, full sized vehicles, and everything in between (golf carts and LSV’s)
There are more and more golf carts and LSV’s (Low Speed Vehicles) being operated to get members, their families and their guests to and from the beach. On the other hand, parallel parking spaces along Dune Rd are all marked for use by SUV-sized vehicles. We would like input from the membership this coming offseason; CLICK HERE for more information on this topic. Israel Solange Mintz and David Liddle have expressed interest in working on this issue.
Sign up to volunteer to patrol the streets of MBA for litter. The expectation is that you’ll walk the street as often as necessary (at least once a week) for the week you’ve picked; new weeks starts on Fridays. Pick up any litter & deposit it in the nearest community trash bin if on the Ocean Side or in your trash bin if on the Pine Side. On the Ocean Side, the volunteer should cover the assigned street and one block of Dune Rd. On the Pine Side, the volunteer should cover the assigned street and one block of Beach Plum. Volunteers earn a MBA Beach hat (while supplies last). Contract Don Deraska to claim yours! The bounty is still out for information leading to the ID of the “Coors Light Person”!!!
Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-25 Trash and Recycling pickup schedule. This schedule includes Yard Waste pickup every other Wednesday through October. Yard Waste for this pickup must be properly prepared: either put such waste in paper bags or tied with cotton string into bundles no more than 4’ long.
On March 31, 2024, MBA emailed a Landscaping Survey to the Primary Property Owner for each property. Click HERE for further information.
Updates on Drainage
- Current Middlesex Beach Drainage Schematic
- Sussex Conservation Stormwater information | Homeowner’s guide to Stormwater management | Past SCD presentations
Internal Drainage update:
MBA contracted with Harry Caswell to blow debris out of all our driveway culverts and other underground piping. They worked from Monday, March 11 thru Friday, March 22, before significant standing water at the west ends of most ditches prevent the last stretches from being done. Those portions were addressed in late April.
External Drainage update:
DNREC has completed the second survey of the ditching and drainage areas along Kent Ave. They are awaiting the data from that survey to determine the best way to drain the most water out into the Assawoman Bay. Paul and Margie joined a round-table group of representatives from South Bethany, Bayside Tennis Club, Sea Colony, and MBA for an informal conversation about drainage, water, and how our communities are impacted.
South Bethany is working on plans to mitigate the flooding that occurs in Cat Hill. (MBA’s ditches along Evergreen, Addy and Bridge, in addition to the ditches adjacent the Tennis Club including one parallel to MBA’s Pine Path, also drain through Cat Hill.) This water is supposed to drain into the Assawoman Canal through the marsh which is owned by Sea Colony. Sea Colony says there was a ditch that provided this drainage and remnants of it can still be seen, but over the years this ditch has filled in with debris and no longer works the way it is supposed to. Sea Colony has tried several times to get permits to clear it out without success.
Bayside Tennis is very aware there is no outlet for their ditch water and the ditch is filled with debris. About 7 years ago, DNREC used prisoners to clear it out, but don’t think they’ll get support for doing that now. They can see where the outlet is supposed to be, but it isn’t there.
Paul and Margie told them about the work MBA has been doing with Tyler Brown at DNREC the past three or four years; and about the ditch project in MBA begun two years ago which continues this year with cleaning the ditches and clearing culverts of debris.
Currently there is a dredging project actively cleaning the Assawoman Canal adjacent Bahamas Beach Cottages and Sea Colony. There is a new kayak launching park being planned by the State Parks in the same area across the canal from Sea Colony’s kayak launching area. Everyone at the table was hopeful that this project would speed along the work to fix the drainage from Kent Ave.
Everyone also agreed that we should continue to meet and share information. There was discussion of including Bahamas Beach Cottages, but it was agreed that their needs are a little different and it is premature to bring them in now. (MBA’s Errett, Bayberry and Short Roads drain into the ditches along the west/north side of Kent Ave towards Bahamas Beach Cottages.)
Dune Grass Planting
Employees of Mike Jandzen’s Aquatic Marine filling in bare spots on our dunes with Cape American Dune Grass in early February, 2024. |
Some outside links of interest
- 7/9/24 US Wind/DNREC Hearing re Cable Landing Plan at 3R’s Parking Lot
- DNREC’s Economic Analysis for Shoreline Management
- Bethany Beach Stormwater and Flooding Committee Information
- Fight Flooding Brochure (from Town of Bethany Beach)
- South Bethany Resiliency Committee information
- South Bethany Resiliency Implementation Plan
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management page on proposed MD offshore wind project
- DE Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) official talks flood zones, funding (Coastal Point article)
- Delaware Inland Bays and Delaware Bay Coast Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility (Back Bay) Study Put On Hold
- South Bethany Tide Chart (via | Indian River Tide Chart (via