Community Facilities Committee

Committee Chair: Don Deraska

George Rayburn

Work Session Tasks

The Community Facilities Committee (CFC) is responsible for overseeing the maintenance of, and developing plans for improvements to, the common grounds owned by the Middlesex Beach Association. It was formerly named the Public Works Committee, until someone pointed out that there is very little about Middlesex Beach that is Public.

This includes the roadways and associated grass areas, fencing along the highway, the community signs located in the DelDOT median of Coastal Highway, the Guard House, the walkways to the beach, the dune fencing, and, as is stated in the deed to our property, this includes all land “to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean”.

The CFC’s primary concern is functionality, but it works with the Landscaping Committee to make things aesthetically pleasing.

Additionally, the committee has responsibility for the community’s drainage ditches (parts of which are located on individual member property), and the dunes (parts of which are located on individual members property).

None of the various utilities in the community are owned by the MBA.

External Links

Delmarva Power link re Street Light Outage