All Community Meetings

Middlesex Beach Association holds two membership meetings each year. On the first Saturday in May, the community votes on the Annual Assessment as recommended by the Board of Directors. On the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend, the community holds elections for Board Members.

Happy Hours

A Middlesex tradition, community Happy Hours are held monhly in members’ homes. Guests are asked to provide the food and drinks. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors! We hope you’ll join in.

Private Events

In order to preserve the peace and tranquility of our community, MBA Special Event Permits are required for gatherings of 25 or more. If you are planning an event of this size in our community, please complete and submit the application.

Memorial Weekend BBQ / Meet and Greet the Beach and Community Patrols

Welcome the summer season, say hello to longtime and new neighbors, and meet our wonderful Beach Patrol (lifeguards) and Community Patrol (security) members. Stay tuned for future details . . . .

Family Block Party

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!  Held during the week of July 4, this event is planned for MXB families with children (and grandchildren) to gather and celebrate across the generations.  Meet your neighbors, and enjoy an evening of fun, music and games for children.  On Beach Plum between Bayberry and Errett.  All are welcome.

Beach Events & Competitions

The Middlesex Beach Patrol (MBP) hosts many events throughout the summer. The Junior Guards host biweekly picnics at 1PM on the beach offering a brief safety demonstration and rescue demo and an explanation of beach rules, followed by beach games for kids of all ages. The event is wrapped up with hot dogs for all.

The MBP also participates in and hosts many Regional Competitions, and hosts two competitions here at Middlesex, one for women and one for men. Community members are invited to come out and cheer on our team. Stay tuned for 2025 dates . . . .

For additional info: MBA Beach Patrol Committee Chair |

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