Building Committee
Committee Chair: Margie Cyr
Members: Mark Reilly, Alvin Ross, John Eckrich
The purpose of the Building Committee is to work with all property owners who wish to construct, alter, renovate, remodel, demolish or build on their property. The Committee is primarily concerned with compliance of the various covenants and construction rules. The Committee works with the property owners until the project is completed and inspected by the Committee. The Building Committee periodically reviews the progress of each project.
Rules and Regulations:
Construction, Repairs & Maintenance, Tree Work, Demolition, Driveways/Parking Lots (9/3/24-9/1/25)
Permissible Days and Times for Work
Regulations Concerning Swimming Pools
Trash Enclosures
Statement of Intent to Conform
Building Permits
MBA Building Permits are required for all Construction, Repair, Tree Removal, Maintenance and any other work for which MBA Building Permits are required.
1) Large Projects: Any work valued at $25,000 or more. See also this checklist.
2.) Small Projects: Any work, repair, maintenance, or tree work valued at less than $25,000.
3.) Demolition: Any project which requires demolition of an existing or relocation from the community of an existing building.
Emergency Work
The Rules and Regulations concerning the days and times of allowable construction or other work on property and/or lots are designed to ensure the peace and quiet of all in the community.
The Association acknowledges that emergencies can and do occur requiring work at times other than allowed by the Covenants, Rules and Regulations of the Association.
*Therefore, “Emergency” or “Emergencies” are defined to be an unexpected and immediate threat to people or property which, if left un-remediated, may result in injury, death or loss of property. Work, which would normally require a permit, but can be defined as an “Emergency” by the above definition may proceed temporarily without the formal permit by following these procedures.
Emergency Permit Procedures:
In the event a homeowner experiences an emergency which requires work outside of the approved days and hours for construction or other work, these steps are required to be followed:
- Immediate Action by Owners: Upon discovery of the emergency and notification to the MBA, repairs to prevent further damage may begin immediately by Owners or their agents.
- Initial notification should be to the MBA President (David Wiecking) by phone (voice or text) at (301)520-4868, our Property Manager at (302) 581-9060 , or any member of the Building Committee.
- Alternatively, written notification can be made via [email protected].
- You will eventually need to provide:
- Written description of the emergency
- Proof that the emergency exists (document(s), photograph(s), paperwork requiring emergency remediation, etc.);
- Contact information for the homeowner and workers who will perform the remediation;
- Anticipated length of time for remediation.
- Work required for immediate Emergency protection of property may be performed 24 hours a day on any day of the week for the minimum time required to protect MBA owner properties from further significant and imminent damage or if a threat to life exists.
- Unless immediate threat to life or property exists, work will take place according to the regular schedule of allowable work hours.
- It is expected that all emergency remediation work will be completed within a maximum of seven (7) calendar days.
- In the event emergency remediation exceeds seven (7) calendar days, regular MBA Building Permits will be required. Owners shall comply with existing normal MBA Construction Regulations for all repairs necessary to protect an Owner’s property. This includes obtaining required County and/or DNREC Permits.