Community Update & Special Board Meeting

Hello, neighbors:

On behalf of the Board of Middlesex Beach Association, we express our hopes for the continued health and well-being of each of you during these uncertain times.

In the midst of this, the Board still has pressing issues that we must deal with in a manner that complies with our community’s regulations. In order to meet certain deadlines for the annual meeting, the MBA Board will hold a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, March 25, at 7:00 PM to discuss and finalize the MBA Budget for a vote at the annual all-community meeting in May. Our meeting will take place via telephone conference calling; as always, our members are invited to attend. As soon as I have the telephone call-in number for the meeting, I will send it out to you.

We are keenly aware that the physical nature of the April 25 regular MBA Board Meeting and the May 2 Annual All-Community Meeting may need to be changed depending on circumstances surrounding COVID-19 (coronavirus). As we work through details of these scheduled meetings, we will keep you apprised.

Please remember to keep a lookout for emails and on our website (such as this) for important information as it becomes available.

Be well, stay well, and please let us know if you have questions or concerns or news that impacts our very special community. Here it is very quiet, chilly (today), and looking a lot like Spring.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this together.

Margie Cyr

for the MBA Board of Directors