Nominating Committee

Committee Chair: Paul Bradley

There are four (4) Board seats up for election at the end of summer meeting on August 31, 2024; each seat has a 2-year term. The terms of Holly Fluty Dempsey, Don Deraska, Kerry Hall and Bob Wood terms will be expiring. Don and Holly have announced they do not intend to run for re-election.

According to our governing documents, candidates can be nominated 3 different ways: the simplest is to send your name in writing to the President, which can be done by filling out the form below by August 11, 2024. The Nominating Committee can reach out to community members who they believe might make good Board members. You can also be nominated from the floor of the August 31 meeting (but the reality is that many Community members cast their ballots before the actual meeting).(If the form doesn’t seem to work, please send an email to [email protected] by August 11, 2024.)

Each candidate will be asked to submit a brief bio and statement of your interest in being on the Board. The information from each candidate will be posted on the website and mailed to the members along with a ballot for voting for those who can’t attend the August 31st meeting. A candidate forum will be held by Zoom on Monday, August 19th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Each candidate will have time to explain their interest in being on the Board and answer questions from the community.

Summary of dates:

  • Sunday, August 11: Deadline to submit nominations for inclusion in pre-meeting publications
  • Monday, August 19th at 6:30 p.m. : Candidate Forum to be held by Zoom
  • Saturday, August 31st: End of Summer meeting

Please consider running for election and helping our community.