Mosquito Statement

A message from the Delaware Mosquito Control Section (via Facebook):

The perfect storm for mosquitoes is upon us. Yes, we are aware that the mosquitoes are bad; and yes we understand your frustration with these pesky insects along with your frustration of not being able to reach the mosquito control section as all our phone lines have been busy all week. The rainfall over the last few weeks has flooded all available mosquito habitats statewide and caused an extreme emergence of adult mosquitoes. This emergence is equivalent to what we have seen in years past resulting from hurricane and tropical storm events.

While the mosquito control section has various airplanes, helicopters, and truck-based application equipment at the ready; continuous rainfall, fog, and humid conditions has delayed many of our control efforts over the past few weeks. Currently all available mosquito control staff are afield in an effort to determine the best approach forward should the weather allow for control measures to take place.

Moving forward… please understand that despite our best efforts this situation will likely persist for some time. It is highly recommended that you take preventative measures against mosquito bites by wearing protective clothing and/or using EPA-registered mosquito repellents.